How to Skip or Cancel Marley Spoon

How to cancel or skip your Marley Spoon delivery

One of the biggest frustrations with services like Marley Spoon is falling foul of the ‘rules’ regarding skipping or cancelling your delivery. In this article, I’m going to share with you everything you need to know about managing your Marley Spoon deliveries, including:

  1. Key deadlines you need to be aware of.
  2. How to Skip a Marley Spoon delivery.
  3. How to Cancel your Marley Spoon subscription.

If you’ve discovered that Marley Spoon isn’t right for you, perhaps it’s not quite time to give up on Meal Kits just yet. I’ve reviewed the major providers here in Australia and know they’re good at different things, so you might enjoy the following meal kits:

Hello Fresh: Delicious meals with clear and easy instructions (Read the full Hello Fresh review).

Dinnerly: Low cost offering retaining quality ingredients (Read the full Dinnerly review).

Pepper Leaf: Fresh, local produce delivered by an Aussie family-run company (Read the full Pepper Leaf review).

Marley Spoon Key Deadlines

Whether you are cancelling or skipping your delivery, the deadlines remain the same. These are the most important dates you need to keep track of when using Marley Spoon and they depend on which state/territory you live in.

For anyone living in Victoria, New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory or Tweed Heads.

All orders must be skipped or cancelled at least 7 days before your delivery date. If you have any deliveries planned in the next 7 days, your action (skip/cancel) will apply to the next delivery.

For anyone living in Northern Territory, Tasmania, South Australia, Queensland or Mildura.

All orders must be skipped or cancelled at least 8 days before your delivery date. If you have any deliveries planned in the next 8 days, your action (skip/cancel) will apply to the next delivery.

FoodBoxMate Tip: Your delivery day is always on the same day each week, with your choice of day depending on which area you live in. Make a note of this day and create a calendar notification 9 days before your delivery so you can decide whether you want to receive that box, or make some changes.

Skipping a Marley Spoon Delivery

There are some minor inconsistencies on the Marley Spoon site where they suggest that skipping a delivery date has a deadline one day later than the official deadlines I provided above. To be safe, I would always recommend making adjustments more than 8 days before your delivery is due… nobody wants a box to arrive on a week you’re planning to on holiday!

There are 2 different ways to skip a Marley Spoon delivery. For me, the easiest is to navigate to the Settings page when you log in. You’ll see a screen very similar to the one below, with information about your current subscription.

Marley Spoon Settings Screen

To skip your future orders, scroll down on the Settings page and find the section titled ‘Skip Deliveries’. There will be an option on the right hand side of the screen to ‘Edit Delivery Days’. This option lets you easily skip any boxes up to 8 weeks in advance.

Job done, especially easy when you can skip 2 months in advance.

The alternative method can be done on your ‘Orders’ page, where each order has an action bar that allows you to change the address, skip the order or edit the delivery slot. This method is a bit more irritating as you’ll need to scroll down through all your future orders and you can only skip up to 4 weeks ahead.

Marley Spoon Edit Order

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How do I cancel a Marley Spoon subscription?

There can be plenty of reasons why you want to cancel a meal kit subscription, the primary one being so that you can try another service! I’ve also cancelled subscriptions before because I’d built up a list of recipes that I loved and wanted to cook again with my own twist, using skills learnt through meal kits.

Fortunately, If you want to restart your service at a later date, Marley Spoon regularly send out offers to existing customers that could potentially save you $30-$40.

If you have an active subscription and want to cancel all future deliveries, Marley Spoon make this really easy to do. I’m always impressed by how easy they have made this process because their business model revolves around you maintaining your regular subscription. You’ll need to start by logging into your Marley Spoon account and heading to their ‘Settings’ page.

Marley Spoon Settings Screen

Scroll all the way down to the bottom and you’ll see a section titled ‘Pause or Stop Subscription’ with some green text on the right hand side that you’ll need to click. Keep in mind that you’ll lose any active discounts on your account if you cancel your subscription, so if you’re still getting discounted boxes it may be worth sticking around for a little longer.

Marley Spoon Cancel Subscription

From here, you’ll see a very clear option on the right hand side of the screen to ‘Stop Subscription’. Selecting this takes you to a super quick survey asking why you’re cancelling your subscription. No worries, it’s just a few questions. Job done.

Marley Spoon Stop Subscription

Cancelling can also be managed on the Marley Spoon Mobile App, which is super convenient. You can use the app on both Apple and Android devices. Simply head to the ‘Settings’ tab and select ‘Stop your account’.

Marley Spoon Mobile App

That’s really all there is to skipping or cancelling your Marley Spoon deliveries, it’s super simple and easy to do. The key tip is to make sure you plan ahead to meet the cut-off deadlines.

If you find yourself with a Marley Spoon delivery that you don’t want, look for local food banks, family or neighbours who might be able to make use of the produce before it goes off. I’m sure they’d be very grateful!